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I am an Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian ♥

21 Mar

My name is Stella lee and I am proud of to be an ovo-lacto vegetarian. I have been vegetarian for 6 years now. I never regret for my decision for once.

If anybody know the meat processed from factory to our hand, I don’t think it is not hard to be a vegetarian like me. Again, I said from meat is come from factory not a farm.

I can’t make everybody vegetarian to stop murdering cows and chickens but, at least I can do it.

Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian is indicate for people who don’t eat meat but not egg or dairy. The reason because, egg and dairy products don’t have killing process. I just don’t believe in animal suffering.

I do have egg , dairy and fish very sometimes (May be twice a month). Most of times, i go for vegan foods.

I am not sure people know what they are really eating and what they are really serving their kids on dinner table with smiling face.

Quit meat is very easy. It is hard for me to eat meat or smell meat now. Believe or not I used be a meat lover. I couldn’t eat anything meal without meat in there.

We are eating animal that is murdered. That animal you just had for dinner yesterday with your family, was in the factory jail for months and got killed miserably.

It is not a happy story for sure.